History of Swing Beat

I thought it was interesting learning about the history of swing beat and how simple it is. The fact that someone was able to give a 4 minute tutorial on YouTube for anyone to learn shows how easy it is. One thing I found interesting, too, is how many songs today follow a modified swing beat rhythm. I probably shouldn’t be as surprised as I am, but I was genuinely surprised at the amount of popular older songs I knew that had swing beat rhythms. With that, it is just like the Adele songs where once you hear the volume is consistently the same you cannot not hear it, it is the same with the swing beat rhythm once you catch on to it. Also, how swing beat kind of tied in to mambo, and how mambo was a Cuban music that was popularized in North America. Then, when we looked at the decline of mambo using the Ngram viewer, and how the decline of mambo matched up with the timing of the Cuban missile crisis.

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