Digital Music Theory class

One thing we discussed in class that I did not know about was that an organ can change its sound to other instruments such as a tuba or a violin. Also, another point in class was that western music is filled with major chords, that is one of those things I had never noticed until it was pointed out just like condensed popular music. One other thing that was interesting was how music and architecture can relate to each other. For example, there are houses that are built in a structure with certain ratios that display an undertone of musical composition. An example of this is the Villa Pisani or the Chordic House, it is built with the ratios of 1:2, 2:3, and 3:4, which result in a harmonious structure. I have never thought that music and architecture would be relevant to each other in the sakes of the aesthetic. I guess something in our minds relates the pleasant sound of music, to the visually appealing look of a harmonious house.

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